
The musings of a liberal, feminist dyke who finds herself in the most unlikely of situations.....

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Well, folks....My girl and I are off to London for a little vacation. Not that I'm that great at updating my blog regularly anyway....but....at least this time I have an excuse! (-; I'm so excited....and I just can't hide it!!!!!!

Monday, March 15, 2004

This is a good article about Ralph Nader's presidential bid. Read it here on Planet Out.

Friday, March 12, 2004

Wow...If it weren't so scary....if there weren't so many people out there that would probably agree with this asshat...people that I grew up with....I'd be laughing at this article. San Francisco and Islamists: Fighting the Same Enemy

Can you even believe that this asshat is assanine enough to compare people fighting for their civil rights to Islamic Fundamentalists? The extreme Christian right is so much closer to the Islamic fundamentalists philosophically that it's not even funny. They may not carry out their theology in the same manner (yet) and as long as your name isn't Matthew Shephard, but still....Unbelievable!

Radical secularism....uh no...how about just separation of church and state.

Religious nihilism?...I don't think so...how about just a little bit of religious freedom...you are free to believe what you want to but don't shove it down my throat or use your interpretation of it to effect civil laws.

We're "pre-occupied with destroying America's distinctive values"...just mind-boggling to read that when what we are doing is TRYING to preserve America's distinctive values...all the while having to fight against George W Bush and his cronies who are trying their best to destroy them and impose some kind of Orwellian, militaristic, one-religion society and call it "American" and "patriotic"

The "left opposes anti-Islamism"...Yes....your rights stop where someone else's begin. Read the fucking Bill of Rights. I am not Islamic, but I do oppose the terrorizing of Muslim peoples for the sole purpose of empire building, greed, and an at-best misguided "war on terrorism". Look at this link (only if you don't have a weak stomach) for why I feel this way. I have a strong stomach but it still made me sick. THIS is what you brush aside as "collateral damage" Mr. President?

Speaking of same-sex marriage: "redefining the central human institution marks the beginning of the end of Judeo-Christian civilization"...yes...we've heard this end-of-the-world rhetoric before...for instance, when slavery was being abollished, when schools were being integrated, and interracial marriage debated.

"More children will consider members of the same sex" as partners. The majority of society will always be heterosexual. Children of homosexual couples are overwhelmingly straight. Someday it will be discovered that we come this way nothing can "make" us this way. These children will stop killing themselves for fear of rejection from society, parents, and people like this author. This is a tired argument.

Yes "join the fight". Join the FUCKING fight. Gay and lesbian people who are choosing to remain a-political at this point in history piss me off.

For so long, I have considered myself a Christian. The more I study the life of Jesus, the less I see his teachings or actions in his followers. It reminds me of the sign I've seen at rallies "Jesus save us from your followers"...how true it has become during this time in our nations history as we are fighting to save ourselves and our country from those who are hating in Jesus' name.
Oh my it's been a long time since I've posted. It's been a combination of extremely busy at work and then so sick of being in front of a computer screen when I get home that I just ignore it. Much has been going on, though. It's no boring life that I lead. Alas, I am at work and busy, though, so I will share a brief funny story before I get back to the grindstone. I'll try to post again later too (Kim).

Well, I'm sure you are all aware of the movie The Passion. Of course, the Christian community has jumped on and helped to promote the popularity of the film. As with all other highly promoted, instantly popular Christian products/movies/books, etc...they have begun the process of merchandising it to death. Yes folks, it's true, while I can't speak for the intentions of Mel Gibson (who used much of his own money to make the film) it seems that it still comes back down to the almighty dollar. In the name of evangelism, products are popping up by the hundreds....some officially licensed movie product and some that just put the word "passion" in the title to generate more sales and jump on the bandwagon. And let me assure you it works. People eat it up and spend millions. One of the most disturbing product lines is the jewelry line being distributed by a company called Bob Siemon Designs (Siemon is pronounced like the component of the male reproductive system). They have these giant spike nails...like the one's pounded into Jesus' hands....that you can wear around your neck and such. Wouldn't you love to get one of those for your birthday? Oy vey. It all just seems a bit much to me....but maybe I'm wrong. It just seems to me that if people wanted best follow Jesus' teachings they would perhaps do something a bit more charitable with their money then buy overpriced, opportunisticly produced, iconic symbols by the thousands. But maybe that's just me. After all we do live in a capitalistic society, not a communist one. It just seems that since Jesus kind of shunned material goods and valued more spiritual things, to see all of the material goods being sold in his name is a bit contradictory. But I know I'm jaded because of the job I have. I would just rather people that call themselves Christians wore a badge of more intangible things like say for instance "the love the Jesus preached and showed for his fellow human beings" rather than a nail around their neck to proclaim their religious affiliation. Especially in this day and age when "Christians"...and I use that term loosely when it comes to far too many of these bigots...are the ones championing the cause of discrimination and hatred against their gay and lesbian neighbors....lead, of course, by the "Christian in Chief", GWB.

My friend Kim has a great link on her site to the "Lesbian Mafia" site where this girl posted about her experience in seeing The Passion movie. I thought it was really insightful and it was one of those things that after you read you just want to say "You are so right!"...So I'll share also....here it is. There's much other good reading on there as well.

Oh...but all this is turning into another rant....I just wanted to post a funny story about Bob Siemon jewelry....I got sidetracked....I was sitting back in my cubicle, working away...when evidently a customer on the phone had asked a coworker of mine if we carried the Passion jewelry from Bob Siemon designs. Evidently, she was a bit stupid that day and yelled out for our whole area of cubicles to hear....."Does anyone know how to spell Siemon?" and then again "DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SPELL SIEMON?"....Do you KNOW how bad I wanted to stand up and yell S-E-M-E-N??? I chickened out though....but it's still a funny story....

That's all for now folks.

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