
The musings of a liberal, feminist dyke who finds herself in the most unlikely of situations.....

Friday, January 23, 2004

I love my job! (maybe if I repeat it often enough.....) Here's a little anecdote for ya:

*phone rings*
Me: Good afternoon, Christian Distributors. How can I help you?

Customer: I need a Bible.

Me: Ok. What type of Bible?

Customer: I need a Scofield Study Bible, King James Version, published in 1960, Blue Genuine Cowhide Leather, large print, words of Christ in Red, with a concordance, indexed edition.

Me: Do you happen to know the ISBN or item # for that?

Customer: No. You can look it up for me.

in my head-- of course not you lazy fucking bastard...you're all the same
out loud-- Ok. *does a search*

Me: I'm sorry ma'am. We don't have that exact style. We do have it in a
bonded leather without an index, but not in that exact style.


Me: Well, we just don't carry that particular style, but we do have many other options on similar items.

Customer: *screaming into the phone throwing a tantrum* WELL JESUS CHRIST THAT'S THE ONE I WANTED!!! *hangs up*

Me: *thinking* Wow....what an exemplary Christian you are. Yes...Jesus Christ is the main character in the Bible...maybe you should read it sometime....especially that part about anger....mothafucka

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