
The musings of a liberal, feminist dyke who finds herself in the most unlikely of situations.....

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Alix has me thinking again... 

Been listening to Alix Olson's newest CD Independence Meal, and a few lines keep getting stuck in my head, so I'm going to blog about them.

"...I find myself stratospherically frozen between the way things are and the way things should be..."

That describes so perfectly how I feel so much of the time I just had to share it.

"...the rusty squeaking of good hearts on rusty brains..."

There are SO many people out there who really do have good hearts...they are just unable or unwilling open or use their minds to think about new ideas or new ways of looking at things. How does one reason with that type of person?

"...A God that only blesses America is a God I do not want..."

It sounds so harsh at first...but...it's harshly true...so many people that believe in God and believe that God blesses America seem to forget that they simultaneously claim to believe that God created all other humans as well...

I don't know about anyone else, but I know that my girlfriend and I have both had conversations with our families about the innocent loss of civilian lives in Iraq and how "un-Christian" and "non-pro-life" that is which eventually boiling down to them saying...I'd rather them be killed then us or our soldiers. Of course, they are still under Master George's blinding spell that caused so many to believe that Iraq was actually a direct threat to Americans....How many times have you heard extremist conservatives saying "just bomb them all"....

An article I found from the filmmaker that shot a lot of the film used in Fahrenheit 9/11. So sad. Especially at the end where he is talking about the Iraqi women who were raped either by or with the help of American soldiers and then were sent home and killed by their families in "honor killings." Yes yes...we've made things SO much better in Iraq.

And since this post is somewhat eclectic...Here are two quotes I saw by two of America's founding fathers. It is interesting to think of how different they actually thought than the current administration that claims to be so "American" and "patriotic."
It just further proves my point about the patriotism of dissent at this point in our history. We are not the country we were founded to be.

(Thomas Jefferson borrowed largely from philosopher John Locke while crafting the Declaration of Independence)
"Great mistakes in the ruling part, will be borne by the people without mutiny or murmur, but if a long train of abuses. . . all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people. . . it is not to be wondered that they should then rouse themselves, and endeavor to put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the end for which government was at first erected." --John Locke

"Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad."--James Madison(To Thomas Jefferson, 5/13/1798)

Ok....I'm actually finishing this post on 7/1 since I got a bit sidetracked by getting sick the other day, but I'm fine now and have a long weekend off to go camping with Christie and Kim. Fingers crossed that the rain stays away.

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