
The musings of a liberal, feminist dyke who finds herself in the most unlikely of situations.....

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Marriage Equality 

Just read this ARTICLE today at nerve.com thanks to a link from Margaret Cho's blog.

This part was funny:

JONATHAN AMES (Q4: #3 of 11)
I do think gay marriage should be legalized. If I were gay and got married, then got a ticket for gay marriage, I'd be really annoyed. How many points do you get on your license for gay marriage? Probably a lot. Maybe even four. Then your insurance goes up.

I think gays will pull it off and get marriage legalized. I think the conservatives who are against it, should be for it. After all, there are so many closeted conservatives giving blowjobs at truck stops and rest stops across America. If they could get married in churches, I think these closeted gay conservatives would be a lot happier. It must be very demoralizing to give blowjobs in truck stops. If they could get on their knees in their own home, maybe even on carpeting, then they wouldn't have to hate themselves so much and feel so demoralized and swear every time that they'll never do that again. If the liberal gays can just pitch to the closeted gay conservatives that this will be good for them, then before you know it, this will be an old issue.

While they're at it, I do think it would be great if gays would get behind marijuana legalization as well. They're doing a bang-up job on marriage and could really help the stoners who are too disorganized to make any headway. Gays are much better at headway. We need Queer Eye for stoners. Every gay couple that gets married should light a celebratory joint. Let's kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

This part was thought provoking:

JIM DE SEVE (Q4: #2 of 11)
So why are some people getting their knickers in a twist? Why do a very few religious folk scream and shout and condemn society to a fiery end because two men or women want to marry? I think it has very little to do with the lesbian and gay people and it has a lot to do with the people screaming. I don't mean in a "methinks ye protest too much" manner that is common in internalized homophobia (though there is bound to be some of that), but in a way that traditional roles are challenged and people freak out. If two women can marry, what does that say to the Promise Keeper husband? If the lord and master of a Southern Baptist family is no better than some other woman's wife, what does that say about him? It says that the sexes are equal. It undermines the power of gender inequality. Who's the boss?

Say what??? Those crazy fundies...took me a few tries just to figure out what she was trying to say then it still made no sense:

The future is undiscovered territory. Nothing is inevitable but death, and possibly taxes. I am only forty-three years old, but I have lived to see the myth of inevitable destiny exploded on any number of issues.

In the absence of a constitutional amendment that defines marriage, I do think many states will end up with same-sex marriage, and the Supreme Court will create its own national definition of marriage to replace the one the American people support.

How does same-sex marriage hurt marriage? When courts declare that withholding same-sex marriage is "discriminatory," they are saying that the idea that there is something special about husbands and wives who can become mothers and fathers is just bigotry.

Either marriage never was or should not now be about getting mothers and fathers for children. Don't expect to raise a generation of boys to be good family men in a society that treats the idea that children need fathers, as well as mothers, as a species of bigotry.

Laws against interracial marriage were about racism, not marriage. They were about keeping two races separate so that one race could oppress the other. Marriage is about bringing opposite sexes together, so children can have moms and dads, and women don't get stuck with the burden of mothering alone.

In one sense I agree with Andrew Sullivan: there's not going to be "gay marriage" and "straight marriage." There's going to be one thing called marriage. All of us need to acknowledge that this is not a small change. That thing is going to be different in ways that will likely affect all children, not just the tiny fraction of children living in alternative family forms headed by gay and lesbian adults.

(whatever! crazy lady)

Overall, it was just a really good piece, though.

Hmmm....nothing else new today. It's a sloooooooooooow day at work and I'm bored. Have a busy busy rest of the week and weekend coming up, though, so I should enjoy it while I can. Tonight is laundry, tomorrow night is Kennywood, Saturday at 6am )-: garage sale to raise money for the next medical/dental trip overseas (I'm thinking Guatemala but hoping Thailand again), Saturday night is OUTrageous Bingo and a dance/block party for us homos in the Burgh, and then Sunday my girl and I want to check out the Unitarian Universalist church where we want to get married. Should be fun. I haven't been to church in forever. I think this will be quite a different experience, though. Phew...it won't be relaxing, but hopefully fun.

Finally, just got this from whitehouse.org. Hung it on the outside of my cubicle at work--we'll see how that flies. lol

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