
The musings of a liberal, feminist dyke who finds herself in the most unlikely of situations.....

Friday, June 25, 2004

Random Observations 

Well, it's been way too damn long since I posted, and my last post was really stupid anyway. Now I only have a few minutes but oh well...quick update.

Weeks have been moving SO fast lately in my life. My girl and I set a date, so we'll be getting married May 21, 2005 at the First Unitarian Church in Pittsburgh. We've been scoping out reception locations since we're going to do it up right and have a big old bash, and our location of choice is the Renaissance Pittsburgh Hotel. Plans aren't finalized there, but hopefully soon...We went down there and met with the catering manager and the place was SO beautiful and he was SO nice...had no problem at all with two girls getting hitched. It was very cool.

I was highly impressed with Pittsburgh Pridefest this year. The parade was the last 3 years times two combined I think. Much longer, more people participated, AND it marched through downtown versus suburban side streets where they hid us for the last 3 years. The festival itself was great too. Right on the North Shore by the river...very cool. I hope they keep expanding it every year. There were definitely more people that showed up with it being downtown and all.

Still haven't come out to the parents, but I'm working myself up to it. Came out to an old friend that I've known since I was 8 last week in response to an e-mail she sent out about getting people to sign this petition supporting the evil Federal Marriage Ammendment...In so many words, I said "I'm not signing that and here's why....and here's an alternative petition". Yeah yeah...I used a little more tact than that but still...I linked her to the million for marriage petition. Still haven't heard a peep
back. Oh well.

A random funny observations:

Seen on T-shirts at Pridefest "A reminder Mr. Bush: 'G' stand for George, not God" can be purchased at www.osaycnuc.com

And a quote from my page-a-day calendar:
"Some scholars have argued that the Constitution clearly states only Congress can declare war, and they are not allowed to simply delegate that authority to the president. However, you can get around that with the legal technique of taking the word 'constitution' and adding the word 'shmonstitution' to the end of it." --Jon Stewart

Tee hee hee

That's all....gotta go home now.

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